Upcoming Games

While surfing around the internet for game faq, I came across this five letter words: Spore. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it after one year of waiting it's finally here. Here is a simple review: From the creator of Sims, comes the new game SPORE. Here in the game, we get to create from a single cell organism and evolve slowly to a species and then we built a civilization and then we get to choose to conquer the galaxy or become a peaceful nation and co-exist with the world. Think of the unlimited ways to create and ways to play the game. Incredible and it is out this September 7th.

For more detail to this cute game, check out this website and it has a video where you can watch: http://www.ea.com.sg/spore/

1 Response
  1. Psionix Says:

    yah some ppl had already made Starcraft unit models using the demo character creator pack.