Fact or Friction: More overseas Singaporeans returning, says Manpower Minister Gan

As reported by Channel NewsAsia on 13th Jan 2010 title: "More overseas Singaporeans returning, says Manpower Minister Gan"

"SINGAPORE : Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong has said more overseas Singaporeans are returning, attracted by more opportunities here.

He cited two examples when he opened the new Employment Pass Services Centre at Upper Circular Road on Tuesday.

One is Teo Hui Sin, a Harvard—educated Singaporean, who applied for several jobs in the US but had difficulty in getting one there. This eventually accelerated her return home. She has since accepted a position at the Ministry of Finance.

The other is Chia Wee Boon, who returned home from the US to be the Chief Operating Officer at NCS as he wanted to help the company succeed in the global arena. He was previously with Hewlett Packard’s US office.

Mr Gan said the global downturn has made Asia more attractive. He said Singapore should capitalise on this to make it a more attractive home for talent, both local and globally.

The newly—launched Employment Pass Services Centre reduces the time taken for Employment Pass holders to register for Long Term Pass cards by about half.

The cards — which have fingerprint biometrics and a photo image — serve as identification for foreign workers, who hold employment passes, and their dependents.

Mr Gan said: "While we work to attract the brightest talent to our shores, we also recognise the need to facilitate their stay in Singapore.

"This includes providing them with identification cards enhanced with new security features. The palm—sized card will allow them to travel in and out of Singapore with ease and convenience."

Currently, foreigners working in Singapore holding professional qualifications and earning more than S$2,500 monthly can apply for an employment pass. — CNA/ms"


It was a very encouraging piece of new especially to know that more and more Singaporeans choose to come back to work. Indeed, the global meltdown has resulted in an increase in unemployment rate in the world. Fortunately, the Asia market managed to recover partly due to the growth in China's market.

However, I can't help noticing the references that our Minister has provide are either Scholars or people who hold a senior position in oversea market. With reference from the article " Teo Hui Sin, a Harvard—educated Singaporean"; " Chia Wee Boon,previously work in Hewlett Packard’s US office and return home to take up the position Chief Operating Officer at NCS". Furthermore, with these two references, the Minister suggest that because of this opportunity, we should hire more foreign talents and bring them in to Singapore.

It is no secret that Singapore has always been recruiting the "elites" since the 90s. Every Singaporeans has always been taught that without these "elites", Singapore cannot grow and we should openly accept these group of people. I agreed with this statement, but recently, I stop to think is that really true? I understand beginning a small country without any nature resources, the only services we could provide and make ourself as a competitors is to provide our only resources people and talents. It is also due to this reason, the government has been grooming talents since the 90s. The biggest question now is: "Why? Up to this point in time, the government still says that we lack the talents? We need more elites?" Have we Singaporean really fail in the aspect of becoming talents that the government seeks to groom? Or have we really become comfortable in our zone and refuse to become the talent? With more than 10 years of recruitment for elites and talents, why are we short of talents?

One possible explanation could be that these talents refused to delegate their role and knowledge. As a result, knowledge and skills are not passed on and we need another elite to fill up the position. Another reason that I could think of could be that these elites or talents seeks to work in Singapore to get a Permanent Resident (PR). Upon getting their hand on this Blue/Pink IC, they move on to other countries.

Coming back to my first explanation, suppose if this is the organisational structure that Singapore based on, does this suggest that the middle and lower class earner are unable to progress and advance up this level even though they have the talent? Clearly, this suggest that the government should re-consider about their approach in hiring more elites and talents. Having said this, I'm not an individual who oppose to the idea of hiring these foreign talents. But, I just don't feel that it is fair to hire these group of people do not delegate and groom further Singaporeans. Surely, there got to be a system to improve this shortage of "talents" and "elites".
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