16/02/2006: Tavern Night out Theme: Toon Night

Yeah yeah people, its toons night tonite. So excited hahah wonder hows the crowd would be like. Lets see hmm first i have a cup of white wine before i managed to meet up the rest of the gang. On the way to tavern, we meet two girls or angmo lar. Think they are trying to dress up like elves. But they were way too drunk, they were like walking left, right, up and down man. And when they saw us, they were like giggling and then bursting out in laughter. That's the sign for drunk. Well ok enough of them. When we got to the tavern, man the crowds are there already. Went into the dance floor, i saw like tons of toons characters. Lets see i saw my ex-housemates dressing up as ppg(powerpuff girls). Well not to mention i think they are half drunk, jump to me and i have to grab hold of them. That give me quick a scare man. Next i saw this lady dress up as the evil character: Cruella in the 101 dalmatians, but my friend was way too drunk he was like grabbing her to dance with him. Hmm what do i see....oh ya batman and robin. Hahah the robin really cannot make it, he was wear a female swim suit those bright red 1 hahahah really is funny. I saw dexter (watch cartoon network to find out who is he), Duffy man (From the simpsons), wonderwomen, catwoman, kakashi(from naruto), transformer came in. Man the fellow who is dress up as transformers have put in lots of work, look at all the box he have to paint and draw. He's good. Oh then i saw this guy wear a bra dancing on the table. Hahah man i even went up to take a pictures with him and he say to take a pics with him i got to suck the cups. hahahah really insane but fun. Well the ending was his friend kinda of pull out one of the cup to drink beer and he was sad in the end. Lol but nvm who cares. Ya robin hood and shrek was there too, lets see who did i miss out. Man there were like too many too hard to remember. But to end the story, Its 1 rocking party ( apart from the music do sucks at times)
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